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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

3rd Grade Applied Arts Learning Targets

Applied Arts, 3

Ethics & Citizenshp

Technology: 3: Ethics & Citizenshp

1  :  Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology

2  :  Use safe practices related to the internet including protecting passwords and personal information; discuss procedures for exiting inappropriate sites

3  :  Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook

4  :  Understand and adhere to ethical and legal use of copyright, licensing, and fair use laws

5  :  Demonstrate ethical behaviors when using technology (e.g. appropriate copying and pasting)

6  :  Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyberbullying, privacy)

7  :  Participate in discussions addressing respect for self and other users

8  :  Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration, system preferences and user's properties such as assignments, projects and information storage systems

Critical Thinkingk & Problem Solving

Technology: 3: Crit Thk & Prob Solv

1  :  Integrate information with appropriate technology to make informed decisions and solve problems

2  :  With guidance, select appropriate technology to answer questions

3  :  Plan and manage tasks to develop solutions and complete projects

4  :  Follow a teacher directed project plan (e.g. storyboard, note cards, graphic organizers, etc.)

Creative Use of Technology

Technology: 3: Creative Use of Tech

1  :  Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression

2  :  Use multimedia tools to create an original product

Communication & Collaboration

Technology: 3: Comm & Collab

1  :  Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences

2  :  Create a simple document with three media elements to communicate learning

3  :  Identify design elements that contribute to an effective presentation for target audiences

4  :  Effectively collaborate locally and globally

5  :  Use communication tools identified by the teacher to gather and share information with various audiences


Technology: 3: Research

1  :  Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media

2  :  Use district online library resources to gain information on a topic in a teacher guided lesson

3  :  Identify the source and date of an electronic resource

4  :  Critically evaluate validity of resources

5  :  Recognize that not all information found on the internet is accurate

Tech Operations

Technology: 3: Tech Operations

1  :  Understand and operate systems and applications

2  :  Use an application for a different purposes

3  :  Troubleshoot systems and applications

4  :  Use peer assistance and teacher directed strategies to solve hardware and software problems

5  :  Store and access documents in different formats from various locations

6  :  Understand the advantages and disadvantages of storing information in various locations


Technology: 3: Keyboarding

1  :  Keyboard using correct hand position and posture at 5 words per minute with 90% accuracy